Infected White Grub

March 25, 2013 | Grubs

People familiar with insect pathogenic beneficial nematodes know that Heterohabditis bacteriophora(Heteromask) outperforms Steinernema feltiae (Scanmask) when it comes to controlling white grubs, but that doesn’t mean that S. feltiae are ineffective.  H. bacteriophora effectiveness drops off in colder temperatures, especially below 68oF, while the S. feltiae in Scanmask are active in soil temperatures until 55oF.   Below are pictures of one of the white grubs we collected exposed to 18000 S. feltiae infective juveniles/sq. ft. in a petri dish, and then incubated at 15oC.  The white grubs in the test were a mix of Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) and Asiatic garden beetle (Maladera castaneawas).  Below is the Asiatic garden beetle. Check back soon for more information on identifying white grubs!

Asiatic garden beetle

White Grub infect with S. feltiae at 15C (59F)


Asiatic garden beetle

Closer investigation reveals the site of infection is on the underside below the anus (black dot)

Stop back to see the nematodes as they develop inside the white grub. We hope to have more pictures and possibly video available soon.  In the mean time, start killing your white grubs now with Scanmask.  You can treat anytime the soil is not frozen.  We will have Heteromask available starting in April, so place your advanced order now!

Happy Gardening,