Japanese Beetle
Popillia japonica – Japanese beetles are easy to identify by their metallic green bodies and copper wing covers. The larvae, called grubs, are milky white in color. Adult Japanese beetles feed on the foliage of a wide variety of plants, while grubs feed on the roots of turf, garden plants and ornamentals. We recommend Heteromask Spray, Scanmask Spray and Scanmask Topdressing.
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Japanese beetles are easy to identify by their metallic green bodies and copper wing covers, and are about 1/2” long. The larvae, called grubs, are milky white in color with a distinct raster pattern. Adult Japanese beetles feed on the foliage of a wide variety of plants, while grubs feed on the roots of turf, garden plants and ornamentals. Japanese beetles often feed in groups and can quickly cause substantial plant damage. Japanese beetles have one life cycle per year. Adult beetles lay eggs during the summer, which hatch about 2 weeks later. In late summer/early fall the young grubs feed on plant roots before overwintering in the soil. The grubs awaken in early spring and continue feeding before changing into pupae, and then adults.