What Nemotodes Should I Use?

March 22, 2016 | All About Nematodes

Once you’ve decided you want to use beneficial nematodes for natural insect pest control, it can be a little confusing to determine which nematodes you should buy for your specific pest problem. This post will explain the 3 nematode products BioLogic produces, and help you determine which will work best for your situation.

Scanmask: Scanmask is our recommended product if you are treating more than one type of pest, are not sure exactly what type of pest you are treating for, or as a preventative treatment. The beneficial nematodes in Scanmask kill the widest range of pest insects. Scanmask products contain the insect predatory nematode Steinernema feltiae, which is active in soil temperatures as low as 55F. Scanmask comes in a solid formulation that you can spread by hand (this is the formulation used in our Scanmask Lawn & Garden and Horticultural products) or in an easy to apply spray formulation. Scanmask also comes in many sizes, so you can chose the right product size depending on your pest and treatment area.

Ecomask: Ecomask is our recommended product for fleas, sod webworms, cutworms, and iris borers.  The Ecomask product contains the insect predatory nematode Steinernema carpocapsae, a very hearty nematode species that does especially well in hot and dry climates. Ecomask comes in a solid formulation (this is the formulation used in our Ecomask Horticultural products) or an easy to apply spray formulation. Ecomask comes in many sizes, so you can chose the right product size depending on your pest and treatment area.

Heteromask: Heteromask is our recommended product for all types of white grubs (European chafer, japanese beetle, and oriental beetle) as well as bill bugs and small hive beetles.  The Heteromask product contains the insect predatory nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, which is best suited to hunt down and kill white grubs. Heteromask only comes in one formulation, which is an easy to apply spray formulation. Heteromask comes in multiple sizes so you can chose the right product size depending on your pest and treatment area.

This should help you determine which product will work best for your situation. We typically recommend between 13,000-35,000 nematodes per square foot depending on the type of pest and level of infestation you are treating. And remember, you can always contact us for more information or to get help with your specific pest problem!